Monday, July 20, 2009

Types of Drugs

Everyone know that drug have good and bad things for people.The good things about drugs are drug can cure a disease such as when you sick,flu and others.Drug also can be bad things for people when people take the drug overdose.This are the type of drugs that usually that we heard and some information about that drugs.


Heroin is a highly addictive opiate (like morphine). Brain cells can become dependent (highly addictive) on this drug to the extent that users need it in order to function in their daily routine. While heroin use starts out with a rush of pleasure, it leaves the use in a fog for many hours afterwards. Users soon find that their sole purpose in life is to have more of the drug that their body has become dependant on.


Cocaine, both in powder form and as crack, is an extremely addictive stimulant. An addict usually loses interest in many areas of life, including school, sports, family, and friends. Use of cocaine can lead to feelings of paranoia and anxiety. Although often used to enhance sex drive, physical effect of cocaine on the receptors in the brain reduce the ability to feel pleasure (which in turn causes the dependency on the drug).


Extended use of this amphetamine causes difficulty differentiating reality and fantasy, and causes problems concentrating. Studies have found that ecstasy destroys certain cells in the brain. While the cells may re-connect after discontinued use of the drug, they don't re-connect normally. Like most drugs, this one impairs memory and can cause paranoia, anxiety, and confusion.


Anabolic steroids are used to improve athletic performance and gain muscle bulk. Unfortunately, steroids cause moodiness and can permanently impair learning and memory abilities.

Finally,That only types of drugs that I knows and I want to say to all my friends that don't take drugs because drugs have many bad things than good things and drugs will change our life to became more trouble.

From:Ahmad Haziq Bin Abu Bakar.


  1. some drugs also used in medicine. :|

  2. drug is dengerous...

  3. of course drug is so dangerous but sometimes it is useful for medicinal purposes..
    but it is used in a little quantity...

  4. its true...
    dont drive car after take drugs...
